I've never realised this before writing this post but as I was thinking of a title, I realised that the first letter of my two best yogis and my name, spells YES i.e. Yana, EJ and Shai. That's so apt and incredibly cool.
Yana, Shai and I share a very special and unique bond. There is a Rumi quote that encompasses the crux of our friendship i.e.:
"Stay with friends who support you. Talk with them about sacred texts, and how you are doing, and how they are doing, and keep your practices together."
We make dates as often as possible to spend quality time together and do activities that we enjoy like retreats, spas, yoga practices, beach walks, farm visits and the likes.
One of our many awesome dates was in celebration of my yoga teacher course. We went away to spend some quality time together. We stayed at an amazing resort called The Baths Natural Hot Springs in Citrusdal, which has an array of magnificent nature-enriched wonders to marvel at and delve into. It is beautifully tucked away in the heart of the mountain; like all treasures should be. We are nature lovers and had a glorious green getaway.
It is beyond a blessing to have these two to enjoy the beauty of life with. It is super special to share such a deep connection, as we so naturally do.
It is a big YES from me for many more magical moments with these two magnificent beauties at my side!