All Categories - PurpleMoonYoga

October 17, 2020
Last year March I was weighing 76kgs and today, one year later, I weigh 54kgs. People have been...
September 5, 2020
I've never realised this before writing this post but as I was thinking of a title, I realised...
August 1, 2020
"It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance...
March 24, 2020
Karma Yoga expands the heart and breaks all barriers that stand in the way of unity or oneness....
March 23, 2020
Being a vegetarian is a weird concept for most. There is a perception that food has to have meat...
Before I had enrolled in my Yoga Teacher Training course, I had no idea that Yin Yoga existed....
March 22, 2020
When tasked to create a Vinyasa Flow for my Yoga Teacher Assessment Exam, the immediate thought...