Passion Porridge
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Prune Mango Kiwi
Power Porridge
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Peach Berry Nut
Peace Porridge
Plum Banana Poppyseed
Passion Pancake
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Prune Berry Fig
Power Pancake
🥞 🍑 🍌 🥜 🍍
Peach Banana Nut
Peace Pancake
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Plum Naartjie Cinnamon
Passion Pastry
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Pistachio Pickle Phyllo
Power Pastry
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Pepper Tomato Bake
Peace Pastry
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Pumkin Chickpea Pie
Passion Plate
Parsley Bean Relish
Power Plate
Peppers Mozerella Mezze
Peace Plate
Pumkin Soy Rice
Passion Pasta
Paprika Pea Perciatelli
Power Pasta
Pesto Pepper Pappardelle
Peace Pasta
Pumkin Parsnip Penne
Passion Pudding
Pomegranate Pine Syrup
Power Pudding
Pecan Peach Pie
Peace Pudding
Panna Cotta Berry
Sound is sacred and chanting mantras has the power to transform mind, body and soul in creating a significant vibration that stimulates overall well-being. Still the mind to bring peace and declutter through focus thus connecting to Self and Source.
© 2019 PM Yoga by EJblogTV